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Yesterday, Today and What's Next: A Conversation with The Slim Kings

Yesterday, Today and What's Next: A Conversation with The Slim Kings

Jun 28, 2016 Joe Kaufman

Liberty DeVitto is best known for spending over three decades playing on records with Billy Joel as well as performing with him. Liberty has said he likes classic rock, but does not want to be in a classic rock band. In comes singer/guitarist Michael Sackler-Berner and R&B bassist Andy Attanasio, who Liberty describes as bringing fresh ideas to the table – a hint of old blues with a modern style. Together, the trio are The Slim Kings.

The Slim Kings origin can be traced back to 2011 - two albums, a cross country move and many shows later, The Slim Kings continue to develop different sounds and create exciting music. We had a chance to talk with the members of The Slim Kings and ask them a few questions of our own, to get a deeper look into what makes them…them.

Joe Kaufman: First, tell me a bit about The Slim Kings – where you’re from, type of music you focus on, and the journey of how you got to where you are.

The Slim Kings: How’d we get here? Bicycle, subway, and limousine – we all got here differently. We focus on playing the best music that we can with zero regard for genre. To us, we sound like us.

JK: Also, how did the name The Slim Kings come about?

TSK: Michael made it up. The idea there is that even if you are a royal, you don’t have to be a glutton.

JK: You recently released a new tune, Inside a Tear – how does it differ from your other work? Is there a story behind the song?

TSK: That is a slow one and most of our material is mid to up-tempo. Gospelized by our pal The Queen Bee – Christine Ohlman, on background vocals. She is friends with the Blind Boys of Alabama and an expert on all things soul music. The lyric is about the inner workings of depression. The inside of that headspace, the inside of that tear. We’re happy to have a proper record label (Lanark) put that tune out.

JK: You have a few upcoming shows, recently released the single, but what is on the agenda in the next year or two for The Slim Kings – Music? Tours?

We have an entire third record in the can – produced by Joel Hamilton (Black Keys, Tom Waits, and Highly Suspect). We are strategizing about how to put that out into the world effectively. We have a video staring Donald Trump for what is likely the first single, titled, “Greed”. Headed out with Los Lonely Boys for a few dates this summer as well. For tour dates visit any can visit our website.

JK: What has been some of the benefits or perks of having a seasoned drummer such as Liberty DeVitto as part of the band?

He plays like an angry 16-year-old, but without the acne or drama. Doesn’t hurt that he brings loads of fans and interested people into our world either. Grateful to play with the real thing instead of asking someone to emulate “rock drumming.” There is no substitute for experience.

Find The Slim Kings on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and iTunes. See them perform on August 6th, 2016 at The Nutty Irishman in Farmingdale, NY

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